

Introduction to the scenario-based testing of API views


class APIViewTestScenario(Generic[ResponseBodyType])

A class that represents a single test scenario for a Django REST API view.
This includes the request components (path, query parameters, request body,
request headers), the expected response components (status code, body type,
body), and assertions to be made on the response.


description(str, optional): A description of the test scenario.
path_parameters(dict, optional): The path parameters for the request.
query_parameters(dict, optional): The query parameters for the request.
request_body(dict, optional): The request body for the request.
request_headers(dict, optional): The request headers for the request.
expected_response_status(int, optional): The expected status code of the response.
expected_response_body_type(type, optional): The expected type of the response body.
expected_response_body(Any, optional): The expected response body.
assertions(callable, optional): A function that takes the response and the
scenario as arguments and makes additional assertions on the response.


scenario = APIViewTestScenario(
    path_parameters={"id": 1},
    request_body={"title": "new title"},
    request_headers={"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION": "Bearer 123"},
    expected_response_body={"id": 1, "title": "new title"},
    assertions=lambda response, scenario: None,


This class is generic over the type of the response body, which allows for
type-checking of the expected response body type. Indeed, the
expected_response_body_type attribute is used to validate the response body
type using Pydantic's TypeAdapter.